Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
MCI-SE07: Assistenzsysteme
Wednesday, 13/Sep/2017:
9:00am - 10:30am

Session Chair: Tom Gross
Location: H4
200 seats (fixed)

9:00am - 9:30am

Szenariobasierter Prototyp für ein Reiseassistenzsystem mit Datenbrillen

Andrea Eis, Elisa Maria Klose, Jens Hegenberg, Ludger Schmidt

Fachgebiet Mensch-Maschine-Systemtechnik, Universität Kassel

Der Beitrag beschreibt die Gestaltung, prototypische Umsetzung und Evaluation eines Reiseassistenzsystems mit Datenbrillen für intermodale Reiseketten im öffentlichen Verkehr. Die Grundlage bildet ein Szenario, welches die Reisekette ab der eigenen Haustür bis zum Gate an einem Flughafen darstellt und mehrere Verkehrsmittelwechsel sowie Fußwege beinhaltet. Die Datenbrille liefert dem Nutzer reiserelevante Informationen, die situations- und nutzergerecht dargestellt werden sollten. Der szenariobasierte Prototyp wurde für die Durchsichtdatenbrille Epson Moverio BT-200 entwickelt und in einer Laborstudie mit 12 Probanden formativ evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nutzung eines Reiseassistenzsystems mit Datenbrillen, insbesondere in unbekannter Umgebung, als hilfreich erachtet wird.

9:30am - 10:00am

Second Dashboard: Information Demands in a Connected Car

Gunnar Stevens1,2, Paul Bossauer1, Timo Jakobi1,2, Christina Pakusch1

1Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Deutschland; 2Universität Siegen, Deutschland

Traditionally automotive UI focusses on the ergonomic design of controls and the user experience in the car. Bringing networked sensors into the car, connected cars can provide additional information to car drivers and owners, for and beyond the driving task. While there already are technological solutions, such as mobile applications commercially available, research on users’ information demands in such applications is scarce. We conducted four focus groups to uncover what kind of information users might be interested in to see on a second dashboard. Our findings show that besides control screens of todays’ dashboards, people are also interested in connected car services providing context information for a current driving situation and allowing strategic planning of driving safety or supporting car management when not driving. Our use cases inform the design of content for secondary dashboards for and especially beyond the driving context with a user perspective.

10:00am - 10:30am

Loci Spheres: A Mobile App Concept Based on the Method of Loci

Jonathan Wieland, Jens Müller, Ulrike Pfeil, Harald Reiterer

Universität Konstanz, Deutschland

The method of loci is a technique to memorize large quantities of information by associating the items to be learned with familiar places (loci). The effectiveness of the technique has been well established, but the initial creation of the loci can be a tedious task. With the aim of supporting flexible learning in situ, we introduce Loci Spheres, a novel concept which facilitates the creation of loci using mobile devices. We present three variants which support the technique to varying degrees: spatial loci (uses spatial input) and panning loci (uses panning) to define and navigate the loci, and no loci (baseline condition), where users have to create the loci within their imagination. In an in-the-wild study we investigated perceived system support, usage behavior, and effectiveness of the three variants. With this work we introduce a novel memorization tool which addresses the potential barrier involved in loci creation and provide a set of four design principles on how to leverage the technique with mobile devices in everyday situations.